
(More or Less) Recent Service: 

I will/did serve on the PC for ITCS 2025, STOC 2024, APPROX 2024, WAOA 2024, ICALP 2023, TheWebConf (WWW) 2023, FSTTCS 2022, SODA 2022, HALG 2021, and ESA 2020.

Zhiyi Huang and I co-organized the FOCS 2023 workshop on "Online Algorithms and Online Rounding: Recent Progress".

I previously co-organized the TCS+ online seminar series.

Recent Survey:

Survey on online matching, with Zhiyi Huang and Zhihao Gavin Tang, published in SIGecom Exchanges 2024.

Recent Papers: 

Oct 24: SODA 2025 accepts: 

July 24: APPROX 2024 accepts: "The Average-Value Allocation Problem" with Kshipra Bhawalkar, Zhe Feng, Anupam Gupta, Aranyak Mehta and Di Wang.
(Invited to ToC special issue for APPROX24.)

Feb 24: STOC 2024 accepts: 

Oct 23: SODA 2024 accepts: "Combinatorial Stationary Prophet Inequalities", with Neel Patel.

Oct 23: SOSA 2024 accepts: "Simple and Asymptotically Optimal Online Bipartite Edge Coloring", with Joakim Blikstad, Ola Svensson and Radu Vintan.

Oct 22: SODA 2023 accepts: